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10 November 2011

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time there was one naive girl from big old city moved to a smaller city. As she pursued her dream, she met someone. They were fall in love and live a happy simple ordinary life together. That was the happiest moment she ever felt in her entire life, where everything just perfect even she knew it doesn't.

Once upon a time there was a crazy old bitch from a small city. She was happy, but that's a very long time ago. Somehow she ruined happy people's life. So she does what she do. She ruined someone's happiness. Break it, rip it into little pieces.

Once upon a time there was one naive girl who felt a happiness for the first time. But then someone took it and ruined her life, innocent just faded away. She doesn't believe in anyone, as the more people knew her, the more she treat people kind, those people just so selfish and take her for granted. So she stopped being naive. Just one nice girl, with a thousand curse on her mind everyday. She hurts, and pain makes her cynical like she do now.

Once upon a time there was a dream. A simple little dream and that's not so much. Just a wish to be happy. No need to be rich or famous, being pretty and genius. Just a happy life with somebody to love. And just like fairy tales, dream comes true. And that was perfect. Anyhow, nothing lasts forever. So dream does. It's only happened for a while.

Once upon a time there was one cynical girl, living in the old big city. She's been in countryside for a while, but that's a memory she'll never forget. Cause the happiest moment of her life was happened there. Love in the air, passion on work, beautiful friendship, a pretty city, a simple lovely life. Happiness had gone, but not forever, cause nothing last forever, and pain should include. So this pain won't stay too long. She'll find another way to feel the happiness again. And if the time comes, she believe the happiness would stay for a lifetime. Not forever, just a pretty happiness for a lifetime.

Once upon a time there was a brand new dream. It made from tears, disappointment and shattered dream.  The dreamer was down when the last comes for a while and leave her breathless. Days, weeks, months passing by. And that was the tough, but somehow she made it through. And she had a faith that someday, this brand new dream will come true just like the old one... and stay no matter what may happen. No one can break, it'll coming true and that will be the real happiness.

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