
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Daisypath Graduation tickers

31 July 2011


Apa sih alasan buat bertahan? Gue ngga bisa ngeliat itu sama sekali saat ini.
My life now is totally out from my expectation, even the worse one. I used to think I'm a bipolar, senang dan sedih bisa berubah dengan cepat. Maybe I was wrong cause it feels like life's giving me a big shits.
All of my life I never been so down like this before. Heartache, one sided love, nyokap meninggal, keluarga meninggal, teman-teman meninggal, keinginan buat dicintai sedemikian besar sehingga gue ngubah diri gue menjadi sosok yang bukan gue banget, kehilangan jati diri, mean, racist people yang memperlakukan gue nggak adil karena wajah gue dan agama yang gue anut, perasaan tertolak sama keluarga sendiri, perasaan minder karena nggak cukup dan kemampuan gue nggak pada tempatnya kayak kebanyakan sepupu gue. Entah apa lagi masalah gue yang lain.
That's it. Life's sucks.
My faith is shaking but I can't see reasons why I have to hold it.

30 July 2011

Do you hear me, God? ANYTHING,ANYTHING

Sekarang malem minggu. Biasanya gue ke gereja sore sama Kambing, abis itu makan ayam di warung kaki lima langganan kita terus ke kosan gue dan nonton tivi sampe malem. Atau bisa juga kita lazy Saturday dari brunch bareng sampe malem.
Gue bener-bener kangen banget sama kehidupan gue disana. Banget.
Lama kelamaan rasanya apa yang gue pernah alami di Bandung itu kayak cuma mimpi, sesuatu yang nggak benar-benar terjadi. Karena sampai sekarang gue kadang suka bangun tidur dari mimpi buruk... dan menyadari kalau gue sedang menjalani mimpi buruk yang lain, yakni kehidupan yang sekarang gue jalanin. Itulah kenapa gue paling males kalo harus tidur malem, apalagi dapet mimpi indah. I hate sweet dreams. I can't take the heartache of waking up and that's damn hurts so bad.
Bisa dibilang kehidupan gue di Bandung adalah masa yang paling membahagiakan yang pernah gue rasain. Dan sekarang gue balik ke Jakarta dan kehidupan lama gue... it almost feels like hell of the earth.
Gue bukannya mau bersikap cengeng dan mengeluh terus-terusan. Well gue memang cengeng.
Gue cuma berharap ada sesuatu yang bisa gue lakukan untuk mendapatkan kehidupan lama gue lagi. Dan kalo itu bisa terjadi, I swear I'm gonna give up anything I had.
Dan kenapa gue bisa bilang gini? Karena sekarang nggak ada yang tersisa disini. I had nothing. Teman, best friends, dream job, I lose everything I had, now I had nothing and it feels like I can shoot myself to death right away.

28 July 2011

Poor Farfalle

I went to groceries today and buy farfalle (yay!). I was so excited till I boil the pasta and... I have no idea how cook a good farfalle. I even run out my spaghetti's sauces. So I made my own recipes and that's surprisingly good. At least for me.

  • Farfalle
  • Onion
  • Milk, about a cup
  • One-packed butter
  • White pepper
  • Cheese for topping
  • Mayo or tomato sauce is a must
So this is how I cooked.
  1. Boiled the farfalle about 10 minutes or so. Notice the middle pasta cause they're hard to be soft
  2. Heat the butter, add onion. Then add farfalle, white pepper, stir well.
  3. Add the milk, stir well.
  4. Serve with grated cheese, mayo and sauce.
I wonder if that's really good or I was just so hungry.

Rozen Soda

  • Es sirup rozen yang dibekukan jadi es
  • Air soda
  • Es batu
  • Sirup
Semuanya dimasukin ke blender. Niat awalnya sih bikin semacem margarita (efek nonton How I Met Your Mother) tapi berhubung margarita pake tequila dan liquor dan gue bisa dipelototin kalo beli bir buat substitute, gue pake soda (bocah banget).

Nggak enak. Gue bikin takarannya kurang pas. Terlalu manis dan sodanya kurang greget malah jadi keliatan buih-buih cucian. Tapi gue yakin kalo takarannya pas pasti enak. Mungkin.


Maybe I overthink. I knew that. I asked too much but it's not something can resist.
Have you ever feel so down, your world are tear apart and feels like you have to hold yourself everytime go to sleep or you'll breaks into pieces? Have you found a milky way in your chest? Found yourself empty and numb, and somehow it feel worse than your greatest broken heart?
I've been there... for two years. And that's sucks. Pathetic. Totally sad and driving me insane. I hate if I have to losing anybody again.
Lose something/someone you really really love is pretty much hell and I love him, I know he meant so much for me as much as world did. I've been in crazy heartache and I never wanna that happen again to me. He's just too precious for me and I can't take another heartache. I'm not that strong.
I overthink and worries too much, I knew. I wish he didn't bothers, if he couldn't understand. I simply wants him to stay. Guess I should figure out how.
Beg him to wait is one of the option.

26 July 2011


At that time, I swear I think that were infinite.
There's no things nicer than hugs and goodnight kiss everyday, dinner together and sit in the same class everyday. I can reach you whenever I want and feel you close to me makes me feel safe and secure. We're just watching TV and no words spoken but I never feel that happy before.

25 July 2011

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper

Skies are crying,
I am watching,
Catching teardrops in my hands.
Only silence, as it's ending,
Like we never had a chance.
Do you have to make me feel
Like there's nothing left of me?

You can take everything I have,
You can break everything I am,
Like I'm made of glass,
Like I'm made of paper.
Go on and try to tear me down.
I will be rising from the ground,
Like a skyscraper,
Like a skyscraper.

As the smoke clears,
I awaken,
And untangle you from me.
Would it make you feel better
To watch me, while I bleed?

All my windows still are broken,
But I'm standing on my feet.

You can take everything I have,
You can break everything I am,
Like I'm made of glass,
Like I'm made of paper.
Go on and try to tear me down.
I will be rising from the ground,
Like a skyscraper,
Like a skyscraper.

Go run, run, run.
I'm gonna stay right here,
Watch you disappear.
Yeah, ohh.
Go run, run, run.
Yeah, it's a long way down,
But I am closer to the clouds,
Up here.

You can take everything I have,
You can break everything I am,
Like I'm made of glass,
Like I'm made of paper.


Go on and try to tear me down.
I will be rising from the ground,
Like a skyscraper,

Like a skyscraper.
(Like a skyscraper)
Like a skyscraper,
Like a skyscraper.

22 July 2011

Fell in love with angry pandas!!!

Aww they're so fluffy and cute. They're black, they're white and they're Asian.
So fluffy I can't resist it!!!!

21 July 2011

So no one told you life was going be this way

Nggak ada yang tahu kehidupan bakal jadi seperti ini, entah itu baik atau buruk. Setahun yang lalu gue masih have-no-idea bakal ketemu seseorang kayak si Kambing (gue putuskan untuk menyebutnya demikian kalo nulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, karena nama Red bakal bikin ini kedengeran lebih aneh).
Ada satu rahasia. Dan sumpah demi Neptunus, gue nggak pernah ceritain ini ke siapa-siapa karena dua hal. Pertama, ini memalukan. Kedua, kedengerannya pathetic banget. Dan ketiga, ini memalukan.
One year back, sebagai mahasiswi first year kita ada masa orientasi dimana sekelas suruh bari berderet dan memperkenalkan diri dengan cara "yang seunik" mungkin. Dan Ka Arif (one of best senior-pals) mention kalo kita pun harus nyebutin status kita apaan. Perkenalan dimulai dari deret paling kiri, which is isinya anak-anak cowok semua.
Pas giliran kambing maju ke depan dan memperkenalkan diri, gue nggak memperhatikan dia kecuali di satu bagian.
Dan alasan kenapa gue menganggap bagian itu penting adalah karena... I'm kinda have a crush with him. Lalu saat dia maju... dia nggak single saat itu. Merasa sedikit terpukul (meski gue tau I had no rights about that), gue memutuskan untuk mengubah apa yang ingin gue sampaikan saat gue maju memperkenalkan diri nanti.
Sebelum si Kambing maju, jawaban yang ingin gue katakan tadinya begini: status single, nggak punya pacar, titik. Simpel aja kan.
Dan setelah gue denger apa kata dia saat introducing, jawaban gue berubah jadi begini: saya memutuskan untuk tetap single sampai bisa mandiri dan karena pengen fokus sama kuliah dulu.
Kedengerannya sok banget kan.
Jawaban itu meluncur begitu aja setelah mengetahu crush-target gue ternyata udah ada yang punya. Dan itu menyedihkan banget karena pada saat itu, akhirnya setelah tahun-tahun yang panjang dan hampa, I actually have a crush. Gue punya orang yang gue suka dan menurut gue itu ya lumayan hebat. Back then, I used to wonder if I'm capable enough to fall in love again or even flirting. Dan saat gue ngeliat Kambing pas ospek, I was thinking maybe we could be a good friend. Dan saat kita pada akhirnya berkumpul di satu kelas yang sama, gue nggak sadar perasaan gue kalo gue suka dia (karena, oke, dia lucu, charming, somehow looks... good in my eyes. Kalo kamu baca ini please please please anggep aja aku nggak ngomong begini barusan).
Gue yang setahun lalu adalah seorang quitters of love, nggak mau sekali lagi dikendalikan hidupnya karena perasaan, nggak mau mengalami kisah menyedihkan karena bertepuk sebelah tangan. Dan entah kenapa saat gue ngeliat dia, gue merasa 'kasta' gue berbeda sama dia, as if I were the nerdy of the class and he's the famous one. Nggak ada ceritanya dua kubu yang bertentangan itu menemukan titik persamaan, and I used to bet that his girlfriend must be the kinda of another girl: pretty, skinny, charming, and also the famous one. Dan menyukai orang seperti itu hanya akan menambah daftar yang menyedihkan dalam hidup gue.
Bahkan saat dia SMS gue untuk pertama kalinya, gue berpikir dia terpaksa SMS gue hanya karena ada perlu aja. Lalu saat gue blaik ke rumah buat weekend, gue menyadari satu hal yang berbeda daripada saat gue berada di rumah terakhir kalinya.
Gue mikirin dia. Dan pikiran tentang dia itu cukup banyak dan intens.
Sekarang Kambing semester tiga dan barusan gue selesai telponan. Dia udah ngantuk dan tadinya gue juga ngantuk dan berniat langsung tidur, tapi gue rasanya pengen nulis sesuatu saat gue meletakkan kepala di bantal. Besok pengumuman penerimaan mahasiswa baru gue di sebuah sekolah periklanan di Kebayoran keluar, dan berdasarkan tes yang gue jalanin hari ini, untuk pertama kalinya gue nggak yakin bakal diterima di perguruan tinggi swasta. Tes hari ini ngaco banget, padahal seharusnya gue bisa. Alesannya konyol. Hanya karena ada seseorang di ruangan itu yang make parfum yang sama kayak Kambing dan bum! Gue kehilangan konsentrasi. Maklum anak ADHD.
Setahun yang lalu gue nggak akan tahu bakal begini jadinya. Gue nggak tahu gue bakal di deportasi balik ke hometown, dan gue juga nggak tahu gue ternyata capable untuk memiliki sesuatu yang berharga seperti apa yang gue miliki sama Kambing.
Gila aja. Dia nggak komplain dengerin ocehan mimpi gue yang aneh-aneh setiap hari. Nggak capek dengerin gue bertingkah kayak anak-anak dan aneh. And the best part. He even willing to wait for me. Gue nggak bisa memberikan kepastian apa-apa buat dia. Ketemu aja susah, teleponan harus diem-diem, ribet banget. Tapi dia tetap berada di tempatnya seperti biasa. Tetep support gue. Tetep menyayangi gue dengan segala kekurangan gua yang banyak banget ini.
Dan soal mimpi gue yang aneh-aneh itu bikin Kmabing punya feeling kalau mungkin bakal ada sesuatu yang terjadi setelah ini. Dan itu bukan hal yang baik. Semoga aja bukan sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan dia, karena kalau ada hal buruk sekecil apapun menimpa dia, please God, biar gue yang menanggungnya. Itulah yang bakal lo lakukan kalau sayang sama seseorang. Lebih milih sesuatu yang buruk menimpa kita ketimbang orang itu kenapa-kenapa.
Gue bener-bener berharap pengumuman besok gue diterima. Karena kalo nggak, artinya bakal semakin lama waktu sampai gue ketemu dia lagi. Sedih banget karena gue nggak yakin bisa ketemu dia minggu ini apa nggak, padahal ini liburan dan dia nggak sesibuk biasanya. Setahun yang lalu gue nggak tahu hidup gue bakal jadi seindah/seburuk ini. Dan hari ini pun gue nggak tahu apa yang bakal terjadi besok. Satu jam di dunia benar-benar bisa merubah hidup seseorang 360 derajat.
Dan gue nggak bisa kayak orang-orang lain yang que sera sera, whatever will be, will be. Gue bukan tipe orang seperti itu. Mungkin kedengerannya gue berpikiran dangkal karena gue begiut keras kepala mempertahankan semua ini. But you know what? I've lost so many people I love before. Dan sekarang gue punya seseorang yang bener-bener gue sayang dan orang ini sangat penting untuk gue, bukannya wajar aja kalo gue nggak mau dia terluka sedikitpun? Gue lelah kalo harus kehilangan orang-orang yang gue sayang dengan alasan apapun.
Dan karena gue sayang banget sama Kambing, gue nggak pengen menjauh dari dia dengan alasan apapun.
So God, if You hear me, here I am. You can took everything I had but him. I guess.

Just saying

Yeah I really do.

17 July 2011

Better Together - Jack Johnson

There is no combination of words I could put on the postcard
And no song that I could sing, but I can try because this is your heart and this is
Our dreams and they are made out of real things

Like a shoebox of photographs with sepia-toned loving
Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart, like
Why are we here? And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing, it's so much better when we're together

Mmm, so much better when we're together
Yeh, we'll look at the stars when we're together
Well it's so much better when we're together
Yeh, it's so much better when we're together

All of these moments just might find their way into my dreams tonight
But I know that they'll be gone when the morning light sings
Or brings new things for tomorrow night you see
They'll be gone too, to many things I have to do
But follow these dreams might find their way into my day to day scene
I'd be under the impression, I was somewhere in between
With only two, just me and you, not so many things we got to do
Or places we got to be, we'll sit beneath the mango tree now

Yeh, so much better when we're together
Mmm, we're somewhere in between together
Well, it's so much better when we're together
Yeh, so much better when we're together

I believe in memories because they look so,
So pretty when I sleep
And when I wake up you look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time
And there is no, no song I could sing
And there is no combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing
We're better together
We so much better when we're together
We so much better when we're together

16 July 2011

Just some report about thoughts and today how I met Yellow but all I could thinking about is Red

I met Yellow.
It's been over a year since the last time I saw him. It's been a year flats since I, you know, doing confession but reject his offer to grab some coffee.
He's so close, but just like usual, it yet so far.
I know it might be the last time I saw him again. I think he's not going home until December. Or maybe next July. But whenever he may come then, I don't think I'll have that chance to see him again. He's gonna be so busy and he's life is started. I look at him and feel a little bit jealous though. He lives what he's dream for. He loves biotechnology and he's brilliant, it's not hard to get exactly what he wants. He always get it anyway. He can have everything he wants.
I felt what I used to felt whenever my eyes caught his presence: butterfly in my stomach, my limp knees, hands shaking.
But no heartbeat. And that's the only thing missing. Maybe because I already gave all my heart to someone else who loves me back.
I honestly glad to see him. I'm kinda miss him and it's nice to know he's doing well. I still love him with friendship bond but that's it. At first I actually doubt myself about me when I caught him across the hall. I look at him and wait.
My eyes starring at him. But my thoughts fill with Red.
I miss him. But not as much as I miss Red.
I love him still. But it's more like a little girl to her old-time pal or long-relation-good cousin cause my feelings as a girl to a boy has taken to Red.
It's good to see him. But it's much better to have some long-distance conversation with Red.
Yes, it's good to see him. But that's all.
As a little kiddo I remember how I used to wonder about Yellow and me in future, walking in the aisle this church. But all I wonder now is Red. I'm not sure what he means when he said we'll find the way, someday I'll come to his house and get to know his family more, someday he'll come to mine. Someday I'll cook for him (though my cook is totally disaster right now). Someday we'll be. I think it's obvious that what he wants exactly same with mine. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, I have no idea. Maybe he changes his mind later, maybe not. It doesn't matter cause all I could thinking about is him.
I wanna walking down the aisle with Red. I wanna wake up in the morning and the very first faces I saw were his. I wanna hold him tight without fear my daddy will caught us or any fear to anyone or anything whom could make us apart. I love him, now and then, maybe for the rest of my life, and I want to share everything with him. I can't imagine if I had to love anyone else.
I don't know what he thinking about me. Maybe Red have his own opinion and different with me, but that's mine.
I like Yellow. But the one I want to be with is Red. And it reminds me of something. A quotes.
Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars — points of light and reason… And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.
Edward Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 23, p.514

Error 404. Feelings for Yellow are not found.
I've been through a lot things with Red. We seldom got a happy time when everything's just fine, we're in love, no doubt about feelings, no other feelings for third party, etc. It's rough now, but I think as long as we still have each other, that's enough for me.
I remember how he broke my heart first. Second. Third. The number goes on. I'm looking for my own-self protection just in case he do it again one day: that giraffe-secret. Now he knew the truth. It hurts, but he had no idea how big it was for me. That secret is kind of my protection.
And now I have none. So if there's something goes wrong, I'll falling apart and no one, nothing could catch me. I'll be so down and breaking apart, and the damages couldn't be fixed anymore. It won't.
But I love Red and hell yeah, I don't care. I believe him.
I used have a faith over a year ago about Yellow that we'll meet again someday, somehow.
Then it happen.
So I have faiths me and Red are gonna work.
I know it will. We just have to try and wait, wait and see. It works.

15 July 2011

I'll Be Your Crying Shoulder - Goo Goo Dolls

The strands in your eyes
The color them wonderful
Stop me
Then steal my breath
Emeralds from mountains
Thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth

Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated
I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows
Of heartache that hang from above

I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be loves suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life

And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
You're my survival
You're my living proof
My love is alive, not dead

Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated
I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows
Of heartache that hang from above

I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be loves suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life

I dropped out, I burned up
I found my way back from the dead
I tuned in and turned on
Remembering the things that you said

I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be loves suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your....
I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be loves suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of life

HE and he.

Life is rough.
There's actually many times when my faith faded and I lost my hope.
But there he is. As we talking. he mention HIM.
Standing far away for me yet it feels so close. Just like him.
And when I hear the smile I just knew.
That's why I gotta be tough.
It's HIM and him.

14 July 2011

Stupid Liar Jerk Bugya.

I know I've been jerk. I'm lying to him about things I've been hide for months.
A truth that will disappoint you. I know it'll makes you mad to me. Probably you'll stop believe in me. It could make you go away from me, which is my number one fear about love.
Giraffe I used to like isn't about an animal. It's about someone. It's about... Yellow.
Red gave a me very cute giraffe doll in our second monthversarry. I was shocked. And guilty. And swear to heaven and earth I will never tell him... maybe for years later.
But lies couldn't stand forever. Someday somehow it appears themselves.
So now he knew.
And I wish I could shot myself. So stupid. I think it's just a little white lie, but since when lie had colors? I'm so damn guilty. It's like the worst crime ever.
I lied to him. And I feel like totally jerks. Liar. Traitor. Whatever bad.
That's worse. But the worst is, I think, a fact that he's just stay in silent.
Said it would be so childish if he get mad and shout out. Said he's disappointing and sad, thought maybe I was not really over Yellow.
Have you ever love somebody? Then you know what it feels when you feel sadder than he felt. And when the reason of sadness is you, don't you think you really could slap your self on face? Punch your own body? I could do more. I hate myself even more.
I thought it's better to keep it hide for his sake. But I actually didn't do it for him. It was for me. That's my back-up plan. I've been so selfish.
Yes, I was in love with Yellow. I've been there for like, nine years or so. It ended last year. I post it here. I was feel numb. It's surely different than get your heart broken. I can't feel anything and somehow it's harder.
Then I met him and he's like changing my whole life. Maybe it sounds hard to believe but it's real.
I love Red. More than I ever love anybody and Yellow.
And yes, I want him, I ONLY wants him in my life. Nobody else, nothing else. Not even Yellow suddenly came and tell me he loves me, screw that I really don't care.
You know what? Cause once you've tastes chocolate, you just prefer chocolate everywhere you go. Candy is sweet, but chocolate give all the taste you could possibly feel. I don't care if Red have a lot point of weakness. Nobody's perfect. I knew that. But he IS perfect for me. Oh I hate this. I wish he never ever doubt me but there we go, lies changes everything.
The only thing I could wish for: I wish he truly believe I love him. No matter what people may say. And no, I'm not gonna leave him no matter what. Yellow probably came, Hugh Jackman flirt to me, any hot guys in Hollywood. I. Won't. Care. I. Don't. Bother.
I love Red. I know I'll always be. Nine years is nothing cause somehow I believe I'm gonna love him more than just 9 years. Maybe 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, maybe the rest of my life, maybe. Who knows? The journey just had begun. And last. I wish he forgive me. I wish he stood still and give me a little chance.
Cause I'm going to prove I could be the one. yeah, I know it sounds way too confident, but I really mean it.

13 July 2011

Sesame Street: Elmo Interviews Neil Patrick Harris

Dam dam dam dam dam dam daradam... PAJAMAS!

Sesame Street: The Goo Goo Dolls and Elmo Sing Pride

John Rzenzik and Elmo. Awww that's sweet. I love them both :)
P.s. It's Slide songs by Goo Goo Dolls. Totally LOVE it!

12 July 2011

Random thoughts

I'll never be the same.

The Extraordinary Us

We're not that kind of couple.
Texting all day long, wear a silly couple shirts.
Upload bunch of picture of us, put you as mine in Facebook pages.
Got mad if you didn't answer my call, get a fight for a simple matters.
You often speaks cynically and rarely sweet,
I don't act hopelessly weak and practically prefer to be independent girl.
You call me Fatty instead Dear,
I call you Smelly Goat cause you look like one.
We don't go date like mostly couple did,
Just go to groceries, cooked dinner and watching tivo.

Cause we're not that kind of partner.
You don't get jealous if I'm with another guy. You know I love you.
I don't think I should keep my eyes on you everytime. I know you'll call me before go to bed.
You think I'm prettier without any make ups on instead wore a new-style-heels. You practically thinks flats is more comfy for me.
I know it's hard to make you quit smoking. But still I give a little try everyday, hope someday you'll realize how much I love you and I won't lose you that fast.

We can't always meet whenever we wants to.
You can leave you job there. I can't go out without permission.
127 km spreading between us. And three-hours distance totally a shit.
We can do things we used to did.
Spent 24 hours together. Laying in your chest and feel warm.
You fell asleep in my shoulder. Hug you tight every ten minutes.
Drawing doodles in your book. Late night working for tomorrow's presentation.
Read my book while you playing game. Then fell asleep and suddenly you're beside me.

There's rough time when I'm sick and tired being here and miss you so bad.
Pray if God will take me to where you are once I wake up, but it didn't happen.
Pray it's only just a dream, it's a sad reality.
Pray if someone would understand what I feel, bet it's far from happen.
I wonder what we really had right now, nothing but daily telephone call.
I wonder if that's enough to keep you mine, cause thought about hard times in future awaiting.
I wonder if you'll stay the same, cause you probably change your mind about me.
I wonder if we still the same, cause everything are so easy to change.
But wonder couldn't answer me no matter what I asked.

We're not like common of couple. I don't think that's bad idea.
We're a couple with compatible weirdos.
We're a best friends who talk about our embarrassing moment.
We're like a family who always protect each other.
That's the extraordinary of us.
I guess that's the answer of my wonder,
and reasons why we got to stay together. Always.

11 July 2011

Today Was A Fairytale - Taylor Swift

Today was a fairytale
You were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark grey t-shirt
You told me I was pretty
When I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale

Time slows down
Whenever you're around

Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale
You've got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale
All that I can say
Is now it's getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense until the time I saw your face
Today was a fairytale

Time slows down
Whenever you're around

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

Time slows down
Whenever you're around
I can feel my heart
It's beating in my chest
Did you feel it?
I can't put this down

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale

Dear Goat: July 10th 2011 Report

Jadi kemaren kita ketemu... diem-diem. Padahal paginya aku nggak nyangka bisa ketemu gara-gara ada sipir papa di rumah. Ternyata bisa kabur dan aku ngerasa jenius bisa kabur dari penjara (meski cuma bentar sih tetep aja ngebanggain loh). Kan aku bilangnya jam 3an aja datengnya. Eh ternyata jam 4 kalian belom jalan dari rumah Molly padahal aku udah panas dingin deg-degan banget. Akhirnya aku memutuskan buat keluar rumah lebih cepet, just in case kalo sipir yang satu lagi dateng. Sengaja pake celana pendek belel soalnya kalo pake celana itu artinya aku nggak pergi jauh.
Tunggu. Insting kambing aku bilang kayaknya kamu bakal ngatain aku aneh. Iya iya aneh emang, takut banget nggak dibilang aneh. Hahahaha.
Nggak mau resiko, aku langsung cabut deh. Pas nungguin di deket minimarket itu juga panas dingin. Takut ada yang liat aku disitu. Terus kamu akhirnya dateng deh. YEY!
Seneng banget loh ketemu kamu. Pas masuk mobil kamu disitu. Senyum.
Aku amazed banget ngeliat kamu disitu. Rasanya udah bertahun-tahun nggak ngeliat kamu. Kangen banget.
Kemaren sebenernya kita cuma duduk aja. Makan pun nggak, cuma minum. Cuma gandengan tangan. Kita juga kayaknya nggak terlalu banyak ngomong. Cuma bercanda, ngobrol sama anak-anak, cengin kamu, kamu ngejek aku (seperti biasa, kapanpun dimanapun). Tapi rasanya itu udah lebih dari cukup. Cuma duduk bareng ngga ngobrol aja udah seneng apalagi kalo ngebayangin aku masih di Bandung. Itu seneng banget.
Bukannya aku udah rela sih balik ke Jakarta. Masih kesel kok. Tapi nggak menyesal. Karena kalo aku tetep stay disana mungkin nggak membuat keadaan membaik. See, kita kayaknya sering banget dapet masalah dari awal. Dan masalah kali ini adalah yang paling berat sejauh ini, karena ke depannya, seperti kata kamu, bakal semakin berat. Aku ngebayangin seandainya kita nggak dapet masalah ini. Yang jelas kita nggak akan seperti kita yang saat ini. Makanya aku cuma kesel, nggak nyesel (ada bedanya nggak sih?)
Seneng banget bisa ketemu. Kangennya udah to the max loh, apalagi tiga hari berturut-turut (hari ini juga) aku mimpi kamu. Dan pas kita ketemu aku ngerasa tenang banget. Takut sih kalo pulang ke rumah nanti dimarahin. Cuma ketakutan itu bukan apa-apa kalo dibandingin rasa seneng ketemu kamu. Biar belom ganti baju dari 3 hari lalu juga tetep dipeluk hahaha.
Pas tante aku nelpon nyariin aku kamu malah nyuruh aku pulang. Ngeselin deh kan udah lama nggak ketemu Tapi aku nggak peduli. Aku nggak mau tau pokoknya aku mau ketemu kamu. Mau dimarahin juga bodo amat. Yang penting mau ketemu mau ketemu mau ketemu, titik. Yang penting ketemu dulu. Dimarahin urusan belakangan hehe.
Anyway. Rasanya agak aneh curhat di blog pake bahasa Indonesia deh. Agak... malu. Pokoknya lain kali kamu harus baca yang bahasa Inggris okee.....

Sunday Love

We made it! Yesterday totally a Sunday love (I actually had no idea what this phrase means, just thought it's kinda cute)
I met Red and it's kind like Renaissance love story, a girl trapped with strict-rules daddy who sneak out to meet boyfriend whom waiting in someplace near my house secretly.
I was so scare we might be get caught. Thanks God we're not.
Molly's car is coming. You open the door. And when I see you there, giving me your first smile.
I knew I'll fight for you till I get it. And I'll give up everything to have you.
We'll make it works, dear :)

9 July 2011

I just post to say I love you Red

I wake up and I just have a quirk yet good dream. Well actually the dream is good just because Red in it.
I saw my mommy. My grandma take her to some traditional alternative cure with my daddy, aunty, Frans and surprisingly, I wonder why Andia come with us.
Quirkiest thing: Red follow me even though he's not show up. So I keep in touch with him cause as long as I remember, I always have my cellphone close to me.
So there's other people: 3 sluts and a nice-face-stupid-look guy. One of the sluts wants my Red and she hates me. She tried to steal my cellphone cause it'll leads her to Red but I hidie it well underneath my shirt. So I slap her in face when I got the chance and tell her to get out from my and Red's sight. I remember I were giving her my best middle finger. Red walking infront of me when that stupid guy stand in our way. Red keep mouth shut. But I shout out loud and kick that guy. He looks scared. Ha!
Anyway Red suddenly missing in the crowded. I left my family behind to looking for him. I heard my auntie asked if Red should come home with us. So I run and wow, the road is high and I'm so tired cause he walking so fast. I call him and told him to come home with me instead all alone. I were hopeless and thought he were gone.
At a time I look up and saw him standing far from me. He's waiting for me. And give a smile to me as if he said "okay".

God I miss him right now!!!!!!

It's sad how Red go to Jakarta and I don't have any chance to meet him. Maybe I can lie to my daddy and have him about few minutes. I wish.
But after all it's quite alright. I wasn't really sure at first but couple days ago I asked Red how our life is gonna be have so much difference in August and later. Different city, jobs, home, friends, and there's 127 KM between us.
He's answer makes me smile, as always he did.
"Even though we far apart. Even though he have a different life. Even we far apart, we'll still walking in the same path and no matter what we'll gonna end the road together."

I wonder if he know I love him more than I ever love anything before. It's crazy how he turns my life so perfectly, makes me wonder where I was and what was I doing before I met him.

Wait for me. Someday I'll have a day spent with you and there will be no fear or worries about caught off.

8 July 2011

Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now


We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah


Stop crying, eyes

It's sad. My life. I'm convincing myself to not sounds like weak girl and sometimes I can. But sometimes I'm not, which makes me realize that I'm not as strong as I used to be. As I wish to be. I'm crybaby and always regretting what done. People always said, "Nah, you've gotta move on and let the past behind" or "Think about future cause it's what's really matters now for you can't turn back the time" or something like that. And every time someone said like that I just mumble as agree with those suggestion, say 'yeah' a lot of time but I'm not actually thinks they right.
Well, sure, they're right cause it's easier to said than done. It's harder to me to make it done. I'm so helpless right now, just like months before. It's been 4 months. Or maybe I can say, it's only 4 months passed. I'm thinking of future, years ahead and it's seems harder than today.
I hate my life. But I'm not regret what have done. I just hate it.

7 July 2011

100 things I love

  1. Red
  2. mommy
  3. grandma
  4. hug
  5. holding hand
  6. kiss in forehead
  7. Red's smile
  8. sharing and late night conversation with Red
  9. Red's perfume
  10. laying in his chest
  11. bible reading with Red
  12. everything about Red
  13. piano instrumental
  14. smell of books
  15. quotes & sayings
  16. audiophile
  17. writing
  18. 70's
  19. 80's
  20. 90's
  21. vintage
  22. flea market
  23. loose shirts
  24. my teddy bear Luella
  25. Dondon the giraffe (monthversary present from Red :)
  26. lavender shampoo
  27. mix juice
  28. potato
  29. lime
  30. vanilla gelato
  31. popsicle
  32. pastas
  33. fozen yoghurt with kiwi topping
  34. Rose cactus!
  35. garden terrace
  36. bunga hutan
  37. white lilac
  38. wood floors
  39. see-through window
  40. cloud
  41. grey sky
  42. sunset
  43. rainbow
  44. tropical fruits
  45. Red. Have I told you? :)
  46. Tumblr
  47. blogging
  48. bath
  49. driving in rainy day
  50. my reading room
  51. painting
  52. doodle
  53. Pucca
  54. stars origami
  55. cooking
  56. Chips Ahoy
  57. mayonnaise
  58. Canon by Pachelbel
  59. Claire de Lune by Debussy
  60. La Vita Nuova - Dante Alighieri
  61. Near His Beloved - Johann Wolfgang van Goethe
  62. Emily Dickinson
  63. Pablo Neruda
  64. classic poems
  65. love songs
  66. guitar acoustic
  67. Italian ballad
  68. broken white
  69. How I Met Your Mother
  70. daydreaming
  71. wedding
  72. Jane Austen's Persuasion
  73. Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream
  74. bossanova!
  75. jazz
  76. indie songs
  77. cover songs
  78. indigo colors
  79. chatting
  80. Corinthians
  81. Ecclesiastes
  82. googling
  83. chocolate
  84. Carole King
  85. Edith Piaf
  86. Katy Perry
  87. Goo Goo Dolls
  88. imagine name for future baby
  89. imagine about my future wedding
  90. writings
  91. fashion
  92. street-style
  93. shorts denim!
  94. ankle boots (guilty pleasure)
  95. flannel shirt
  96. massage
  97. picnic
  98. love
  99. alive with something worth to do
  100. Red. Have I told yo

How I Met Your Mother Fever

I just got HIMYM fever lately.

Gosh. I know I gotta work to do but it's hard to not watch it till season 6. I wonder season 7 could come soon. And wow, I hope Red and me could be a perfect simple couple just like Marshall and Lily.

My Tumblr friend's cases

I'm Tumblr person. I have two tumblr accounts: House of Bugya for my personal tumblr and I Love Wedding for my wedding obsession since I was dream to be a wedding planner back when I was, you know, stay in Bandung with Red. In tumblr we quirkly had a different way of socializing. I would never ever add or approve someone I never met in Facebook, only follow my close friends in Twitter (though I've been questioning what friendship meaning in time like this). That's what people usually did. But in Tumblr, we would love to have some anon, nice conversation with strangers (don't even dare to compare this to Omegle. That's a shit, please.) and posts what we like. We just be ourselves, be honest to what our hearts feel and what we like, reblog like a boss.
I have a tumblr friends. I don't know what's point of view cause she's a tumblr famous but I adore her. Felly was in relationship when I first saw her page about 4 months ago. Her boyfriend have tumblr account too even he's not so active like she is. I follow Felly on my both account and from the way she replied answers, I can tell she's a nice one.
4 months ago was the toughest time of the year. I gotta leave my perfect live in Paris van Java and back to hometown (FYI. I hate Jakarta. How could people dying to be here? Well I know its' the capital city and blah blah blah but snap, I hate it. Just too crowded for loner like me). And I have to apart from Red.
So I found her tumblr and her length of relationship almost like mine, couple of months but not a year yet. I was so confuse so I decide to leave a question in her box. Her answer wasn't the best advice I ever got, but I appreciate it. It's nice to know someone out there, someone I don't even know at least give a try to solve my trouble when my fake friends doing nothing but asked things just because they're curious.
About a week ago or so, they broke up.
I knew they really loved each other. You can tell people's feeling from their tumblr. And she's looks truly madly deeply in love with that guy. Just like me. They broke up because a... lame-yet-makes-sense-reason-in-south-east-asia: religion. She's Christian, he's Muslim. I feel sorry for both of them. And this case remind me about other case... through by someone whom very familiar to me.
He was... having that cases. Cases. I'm just thinking and wonder.....

Well I think it's not important. He's mine anyway. And believe he always be. Never mind.

6 July 2011

It's gotta be a happy ending

We have telephone call every night, share ever little things, asked how the day was going and at the end, tell how much we loved each other. That's sounds perfect. Except a fact that it's been 4 months, maybe more, since the last time I saw Red.
I don't miss him. I would killing someone to have him with me right now.
So sometimes I just wonder, will this relationship works with distance? Will we stay together for a time? Will he wait for me? Will we still be the same when we met again? Cause I know this distance makes us changed, our relationship changed and we'll never be the same. I'm afraid distance would broke us apart and that's haunted. Well I think he's the right one for me. I don't have a good explanation here, but I just knew that. Nobody would ever make me feel this way. What we have is a precious, rare things at our age. There's a faith which makes me really believe it's gonna works. It's gonna lasts.
Faith makes things possible. Love makes it easy.
I wish. Glad Red have that faith. I have a plan to write this, my long distance relationship story and how to deal with it to proof Red is good boy to my strict Daddy. One day I asked Red how the story will end.
"Happy ending," he said. I'm glad we had the faith we need.
I honestly have a serious incurable disease of having too much worry at things. About Red, specifically. I got panic if he get sick (it's actually just a sneeze cause he's allergic to my fur pillow) or if he get a bad score (which is normal when the whole class gets the same score, too). As I ever mention before, I had trust issues too. I was. But then everything seems disappear as t he times go by.
Today I told him how our life would changes by the time I get into new college. We never be the same. Worst, we had no connection at all. Only ex-mutual friends, different city, different work, different lifestyle.
But his answer makes me glad, knowing I'm on the right man. It's what people been searching for a lifetime and I'm glad I had it all today, when I'm only 19 years old insane girl who believe she could makes a little difference in this crazy big world.
He thinks we're on the same road. Now. And then. And it would lasts. Maybe for, let's say, a lifetime.

Phoenix - Long Distance Call

Where to go I had no idea
26.10 was the price to pay
A messed up kid with no ideals at all
I thought those 26.10 I shouldn't give'em away

I remember this young guy died and I took his part
He got far too many stitches on his pretty face
Long time to see but I always thought us two would be serious
I was looking around town, thinking the same as you

I'm far gone but your long distance call
And your capital letters keep me asking for more
It's never been like that, it's never been like that
It's never been like that, it's never been like that
It's never been like that, it's never been like that
It's never been like that, it's never been like that, oh
I'm far gone but your long distance call
And your capital letters keep me asking for more

Where to go I had no idea about it
Most of the people do, there're only doing just fine
I don't wanna stay in place no more, see
Ain't doing well well well, I am only doing just fine

Long time no see, long time no say
Got little to tell, I don't say much but I might
Something always told me us two would be serious
I am Looking around town, thinking the same as you

I'm far gone but your long distance call
And your capital letters keep me asking for more
It's never been like that, it's never been like that
It's never been like that, it's never been like that
It's never been like that, it's never been like that
It's never been like that, it's never been like that, oh
I'm far gone but your long distance call
And your capital letters keep me asking for more

Long time no see... Long time no say...

4 July 2011

Dear Goat

Sekarang jam... 1 pagi. Aku belom tidur. Dua jam lalu kamu udah ngantuk (dan tadinya aku juga ngantuk) dan beneran harus tidur karena besok ada UAS dan kamu belom belajar. Ckckck. Aku harus pinter-pinter cari sesuatu yang bikin kamu semangat. Kayak waktu UTS kemaren kamu semangat belajarnya. Terlalu semangat malahan, karena seminggu sebelumnya kamu bahkan udah ngandang di kosan villa dan belajar.
Anyway sebenernya aku nggak tau mau nulis apa. Kamu bilang terserah, jadi aku nulis hal-hal yang udah kamu tahu aja ya. Hal-hal yang aku pengen kamu tahu dan mengerti, karena meskipun kamu udah sering denger dan hafal sama kalimatnya, aku pengen kamu beneran ngerti kalo aku beneran dan nggak pretending or something.

Masalah ini bukan salah kamu. Berhenti ngatain diri kamu hina atau apalah, bahasa kamu buat ngatain diri sendiri itu banyak banget loh. Stop menyalahkan diri sendiri. Semua ini salah aku. Mungkin aku teralu kebawa sama dunia luar dan kebebasan yang nggak pernah aku dapetin di Jakarta dan mungkin masalah ini bisa jadi semacam reminder kalau aku udah kelewat batas. Lagipula selalu ada sisi positif kan di setiap masalah? Mungkin nggak sekarang, tapi someday kita bakal tahu apa arti adanya masalah ini. Tapi nggak usah nunggu terlalu lama juga aku udah tahu salah satu sisi positif yang bisa diambil. Bukan dari pihak aku, tapi kamu.
Kamu berubah banget dalam empat bulan terakhir. Dulu kamu itu... untouchable. Aku nggak tahu apa yang kamu pikirin dan kamu selalu tertutup. Bahkan sama aku. Sementara sekarang kamu terbuka banget. Kamu cerita banyak hal tanpa disuruh, bisa ngobrol panjang lebar dan kita telponan dua-tiga jam lebih tanpa sadar udah lewat tengah malem. Padahal dulu kamu bisa cerita satu hal aja udah sukur. Dan sekarang kamu jauh lebih rajin. Dan dewasa, nggak cuma dalam hal umur tapi juga dalam hal lain. Lebih bertanggung jawab, punya tujuan buat ke depannya gimana, punya prinsip dan pandangan hidup sendiri. Itu sesuatu yang menurutku sangat bagus loh. Tanpa masalah ini kamu nggak bakal berubah, bakal tetep jadi kambing yang lama. Yang tertutup dan nggak tahu apa pikirannya.
Jangan pikir kamu ngerusak mimpi aku. Ya, aku sedih banget harus pergi dari Bandung padahal tahun lalu aku berjuang abis-abisan buat diizinin kesana. Tapi ini bukan salah kamu. Lagipula bakal selalu ada sesuatu yang baru untuk dimimpikan. Mungkin sebentar lagi aku punya mimpi baru, tujuan baru tentang apa yang pengen aku lakukan (selain jadi relawan & donor dong hehe). Masalah mimpi dan cita-cita... cepat atau lambat aku harus bisa mengatasi ini sendiri. Aku pasti bisa, memang perlu waktu sih.
Lucunya, yang bikin paling sedih itu bukan karena aku harus balik ke Jakarta dengan semua norma-norma yang nyebelin ini. Yang bikin paling sedih adalah karena seharusnya kita bisa ngejalanin kuliah bareng selama empat tahun penuh lalu lulus bareng. Aku sebenernya pengen banget kita bisa kembaran dasi kalo udah semester 7.
Tapi bahkan di hal yang bikin sedih tetep aja ada hikmahnya. Dan lagi-lagi tentang kamu. Kalo aku nggak ditarik balik ke Jakarta, kamu mungkin masih sama kayak yang dulu. Dan sekalipun aku tetep stay di Bandung dan kita lulus bareng, mungkin kadar kualitas kita beda jauh sama sekarang ini. Mungkin aja kita bisa langgeng sampe setahun atau lebih, tapi cepat atau lambat kita bakal pisah deh kayaknya. Karena kamu ngga bakal berubah tanpa masalah ini. Dan aku nggak tambah dewasa, jadi nggak ada titik temunya.
Kalau diliat lagi selama sepuluh bulan ini (nyaris setahun), kita nggak melewati semua itu dengan tenang, kan? Selalu aja ada sesuatu untuk dipermasalahkan. Tentang kamu, tentang aku, tentang orang lain. Tentang kita. Sejujurnya sampai sebelum Valentine, aku nggak pernah berhenti curiga sama kamu. Selalu siap-siap seandainya kamu berubah pikiran atau mengulang kesalahan, siap-siap seandainya aku harus ngelepas kamu tanpa kehilangan harga diri. Selalu mikir aku cuma present girlfriend yang suatu hari nanti tempatnya bakal digantikan sama orang lain, dan mikir seandainya skenario seperti ini beneran kejadian, apa yang harus aku lakukan? Nggak mungkin kalau balik ngejer orang yang 9 tahun ini aku suka, karena untuk pertama kalinya aku suka orang lain yang bener-bener bisa mengalihkan semua perhatian dan konsentrasi aku, rasanya konyol kalau aku udah move on lalu balik ke dia lagi karena patah hati.
Lalu masalah ini dateng. Dan so far, kita masih kuat. Jauh lebih kuat ketimbang sebelumnya.

Jangan nyalahin diri lagi ya sayang. Soalnya kalo kamu gitu aku bakal ngerasa kamu tetep stay karena kasian sama aku. Oke?
P.s. cuma terima jawaban 'ya'.

3 July 2011

The Only Exception

Couple days ago Red asked if I ever wrote Red-section in Indonesian. I think I'm gonna write it. Maybe today, maybe later, but I will. I began this blog over a year ago to increase my capability in writing and English, so that's why I always write in English even if the grammar are compatible with alien from somewhere.
Yeah, I'm gonna write in even it's gonna be so embarrassing. Just because he's the only exception.

P.s. There's a time when this Paramore's song keep echoing on my mind and I think of him.

When I was younger, I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart and I watched
As he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist

But darling, you are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception

Maybe I know, somewhere deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways to make it alone
Or keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance
And up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk

But you are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception

I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof, it's not a dream, oh

You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception

You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception

And I'm on my way to believing

Oh, and I'm on my way to believing

1 July 2011

Can and Can't

  • read books for hours, in Bahasa or English
  • write for pages in both language
  • makes pancakes
  • win a tickle fight
  • eat so much when I got mad
  • doing dishes and household things by myself
  • act. I'm pretty good at it (which bring me to a little regret why I reject that role of drama. never mind)
  • makes beads
  • not drink any water in 16 hours

  • sing. though I'm join the choir to sing in national events twice or third for Sumpah Pemuda's Day. Alto voice doesn't makes me a good singer
  • face students orientation without shaking except they don't screaming 10 meters from me (read: I had akousticophobia)
  • cook a proper dinner (except pastas and sandwich which is doesn't counts)
  • having nap (it's damn hard for me)
  • hangout to the down after 6PM without adults. First, I banned. Second, I'm afraid.
# random stuff


It's not like I'm getting married (please, I'm 19 years old girl in 21th century) but yesterday Red and I was talking about how things and our personality has changed to a better one since this shitty-matters happened to me.

I have a little promise that I made, not to him but to myself about how I will treat him well. I won't lie to him, I'll stand by him no matter what, support him, take care of him, believe and give some privacy to him.

And suddenly he mention marriage vows. We don't talk about the marriage. It's about the vows. That's a simply yet beautiful vows. Couples wedding in the Roman Catholic Church will essentially make the same pledge to one another. The customary text in English is:

I, ____, take you, ____, to be my (husband/wife). I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. I, ____, take you, ____, for my lawful (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

The rules of love is pretty simple. We took the good time, we'll take the bad time. Surely you got to. What? Are you going to stop loving someone just because he sick/in bad time/poor/etc? That's insane. Whoever left their partner in causes, they don't really love them. Me, personally, won't leave him in any trouble no matter how hard it is. I don't have the heart to let him through all bad thing that may happen all alone, right? It's so simple and beautiful so I have no idea why there's jerks in someplace whom left their partner in time of trouble. They just... don't deserve to be loved. How can you be loved if you don't started to love? Silly people.

And the crazy thing is.. somehow I knew he'll do the same. I look at my life today, it's been 4 months since the last time I saw him. He still mine. Thank God.

Katy Perry - Teenage Dream

You think I'm pretty without any make-up on
You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong
I know you get me so I'll let my walls come down, down

Before you met me I was alright
But things were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February you'll be my valentine, valentine

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever

You make me feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep, let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops when you look at me
Just one touch now baby I believe
This is real so take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

We drove to Cali and got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you my missing puzzle piece
I'm complete

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever

You make me feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep, let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops when you look at me
Just one touch now baby I believe
This is real so take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

I might get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

You make me feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep, let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops when you look at me
Just one touch now baby I believe
This is real so take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back